måndag 29 juni 2015

New employees in the forest at night.

Yesterday I took the help of my daughter when I caught nightjars and she bring luck to me in the forest. Before midnight we had caught five nightjars and if we has a full night we had received several birds and have a new night record. The nightjars was in big activity and it shurring everywhere in the forest but my ordinary work is calling to day and I must sleep a bit to.
To this day we have caught 75 new and recovered 27 nightjars.

My daughter and a Nightjar.

söndag 21 juni 2015

A new nightjararea.

Last night was I in a new area and seeking for nightjars. The habitat was perfect in many place but I only hear seven nightjars overnight. Five of these could I catch and I could sum a good night in the sign of nigtjar. On my way home I saw many wildboars and in one place the piglets run on the road when I come driving.

 Angry Nightjar.

Nightjar at the ground.

onsdag 17 juni 2015

N:o 300 and double catch.

Two nights ago I catch and ringed the threehundred nightjar in my project. It was a big female with large incubation patch so she have eggs in her nest someware.
Yesterday night I look for the nest but not find it and I give it a new try another day.

But I place the mistnet in another area and catch a fine double of nightjar instead. One was unmarked but the other one have both ring and geolocator. This bird was ringed past year and have spending the winter someware in Afrika.

 Double in the mistnet.

 The new Chinese mistnet are unvisible in the dark.

The geolocator who have been in Afrika past winter.

söndag 14 juni 2015

A lot of gnats, mosquitos and nightjars.

The hole nights are full with gnats and mosquitos right now and it´s very thoug to ring nightjars. But the activity of nightjars is good and I have catch several birds. Two nights ago i catch 6 birds and one of them was a recovering from past year. I found a good place to the mistnet and I caught 4 nightjars at same time one after one.

Flying nightjar in the dark naight.

tisdag 9 juni 2015

Move to record year

This summer we have caught 46 nightjars to this time and it seems like we go to a record year. This evening have I try to catch my home nightjar from our garden but it looks like he is to far away.
I should go to his area in the nerest days and try to catch him. In 5 years have I catch 3 different nightjars in this Place and I hope it´s one of this birds this year.
Yesterday I catch 2 nightjars before I go home to slep and one of the birds was a recovering from past year in same Place.

Free Nightjar. See you next year!

lördag 6 juni 2015

A nest was found past day.

Gabriel found a nest yesterday and in the evening he catch the male on it. The male was wearing a geolocator from a few years ago and it will be exiting to look at the data on it. Later at the night I caugt another male with locator on, and he was from 2012.
Total this night we caught 5 nightjars and summary a good night nightjaring.

 Nightjar on the nest.
 Nightjaregg in the nest.
Nightjar relax on my bag before departure.