onsdag 31 maj 2017

Number 600 is ringed to night!!!!

No nightjars last night.

It was a bit windy when we started the night and then it grew more and more, so at last we canceled the catches for this night. We heard nightjars but they will not came down to the nets.

tisdag 30 maj 2017

Nightjaring every night.

The weather is good for nightjarhunting and we are out every night and to this day we have caught 55 nightjars and got back several geolocators. Last night we catch 7 nightjars and got back two locators and we could sum a new good night. We have two visitors from Scania in Sweden who will learn more about ours way to catch this birds.We wish them good luck for theres hunting!
One of the trapped birds was an old friend who was very dark in his plumage and another miss several tailfeathers and was wounded in the wing.

 The dark friend with a new locator on his back.

 Tail from the dark one.

Female with missing and newgroving feathers.

söndag 28 maj 2017

Another night in the forest

Yesterday I and Gabriel spent a whole night in a god area in hope of many recoveries with geolocators. When the morning came we could sum 7 trapped nightjars and no recoveries. The males shurring a lot but they are  a bit laid back when they came near the nets.
Gabriel trapped a nightjar with a strange different feather on one wing. The feather grow up from the wings upperside.

 One of the females in my hand.

 Strange feather.

lördag 27 maj 2017

Nice Nightjar night.

Yesterday I went out to an area there I have catch many nightjars before. Immediately I hear shurring Nightjars and I quickly put up my net and catch the first this night. When the morning comes I could sum 7 ringed Nightjars of at least 19 heard birds and I have a nice experience this night.
I even heard two Tengmalm´s Owls when they sing at the night.

 Ringed Nightjar.

 Roosting at my case.

 Close up.

Take off, out in the night.

måndag 22 maj 2017

Bättre en nattskärra i handen än några timmars sömn.

Just hemkommen efter ännu ett pass i skogen kan jag summera att två nya nattskärror blev fångade. Den ena var en gammal bekant från 2015 som ville vila lite på en sten och den andra var en omärkt fågel som gärna ville vila en stund i handen innan den drog iväg.

 Den gamle från 2015.

Skönt att vila i en varm hand.

Second night this year with nightjars.

Last evening I went out and catch two nightjars and one of them was an female. I have many shurring nightjars around me in the dark and the problem was who should I try to catch.

 Redo att sätt på en ring. --------- Ready to put on the ring.

 Blänkande öga i mörkret. ------- Glistening eye in the dark.

Stor mun. --------- Big mouth.

torsdag 18 maj 2017

Äntligen igång igen.

Natten som gått var jag ute för andra gången i år för att fånga nattskärror. Senast så hörde jag inte en enda skärra, men nu nästan en vecka senare så var det gott om de i skogen. Det slutade med att jag fångade två stycken varav den ena var en kontroll från förra året i samma område. Totalt så hörde jag på de tre ställen jag var 10-12 nattskärror och en pärluggla.

 Den första tillägnar jag mina Spanska nattskärrevänner i Donanaområdet.

Den andra var en kompis från förra året.